
Hey, this is Palette.



About me

Hello, 大家好,我是Palette,真名是CML(嘿嘿,知道的人肯定一下子就猜出来了),欢迎来到本人最近无聊弄的简陋的博客网站。 本人是一名SYSU软件工程专业的在校生,暑假过后也正式成为大二了。

Reason to build this blog

  1. 经过一年的软件工程专业的知识学习,不知不觉间就形成了一个搭建自己博客的想法。之前在廖雪峰的教程上学习过Python,于是想用Python Web技术建站,无奈没能坚持下来,毕竟这需要多方面的知识,最终这个想法也以失败告终(但是博客的雏形还是有的,只不过不够完善)。接下来的我就接触到了HTML和CSS,对Web界面的设计也有一点了解,以及暑假所涉及的PHP和Mysql,更让我感觉实现个人博客的目标越来越近。

那你为什么选择了Github Page呢?

  1. 但就我个人而言,没有团队和伙伴,都是自己一个人自己写代码什么的,偶尔也咨询一下我们Dog Run大佬,问一下问题。实话实说,Github提供的博客模板虽然复杂,但是加上Jekyll技术的支持,以及各种炫酷的效果,使得建设个人博客简单易懂,也算是省了很多力气吧。

  2. 未完待续。。。。



  1. 感谢本博客模板的提供者Hux, 一位很优秀的前端设计师。

  2. 有什么问题的话皆可以联系本人, 邮箱为1377278217@qq.com

  3. Enjoying~~~

Yet another man.

Hi, I am Palette, a software engineering student studying in SYSU. If you have a chance to look at my blog, hope that you will enjoy the contains and contact me if necesssary.

To be honest, as a ordinary student studying in Web or maybe HTML, CSS or JavaScript, I don’t know so much professional knowledge about them, due to the lack of studying and background.

All in all, I hope to be more excellent in the future, and I will keep updateing the blogs about the things that I have learned.

Keep moving~~~~~


  1. This blog’s template is from its author —Hux, and I am here to thank him a lot.

  2. Whoever you are, if you have ideas or comments about my blogs, welcome to contact me at 1377278217@qq.com.

  3. Enjoying~~~~