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Service Computing课程博客(三) - Selpg-Go的实现与测试报告

"Rebuild selpg with golang.."

Try to complete some CLI program with golang……. Selpg-Go的设计实现与测试报告 实验需求 通过阅读开发Linux命令行实用程序,使用Go语言重新编码selpg,命名为selpg-go,要求相应输入的结果要与C语言selpg相同输出。 对selpg程序的介绍:selpg程序全称为select ...

LeetCode 115 - Distinct Subsequence

"For Algorithm Course"

LeetCode题解(六) - Distinct-Sequence 题目难度:Hard 题目地址:No.115 Distinct Sequence 题目描述: Given a string S and a string T, count the number of distinct subsequences of S which equals T. A subsequence of a s...

LeetCode 51 - N-Queens

"For Algorithm Course"

LeetCode题解(五) - N-Queens 题目难度:Hard 题目地址:No.51 N-Queens 题目描述: The n-queens puzzle is the problem of placing n queens on an n×n chessboard such that no two queens attack each other. Given an integer...

区块链课程博客(一) - 对区块链的基本介绍

"Learn to know what is BlockChain"

区块链论文读书报告 1. 对于区块链的基本认识 ​* 《区块链技术发展现状与展望》一文中,作者充分地阐述了区块链的定义,用途,以及当今社会大环境下的发展现状与前景。为了更好地理解和掌握区块链课程的内容,我们首先需要弄清楚区块链的基本含义与技术堆栈。 ​* 区块链是以比特币为代表的数字加密货币体系的核心支撑技术,建立在区块链技术之上的应用从一开始的比特币系统,到号称是BlockChain...

Service Computing课程博客(二) - 安装Ubuntu下Go语言环境

"Start to learn coding with Go-lang"

In order to write codes and projects with Go-lang, we need to install Go environment firstly…. Ubuntu16.04私有云上安装配置Go语言开发环境 友情链接 Ubuntu 18.04私有云上安装配置Go语言环境简要教程 实验需求 通过学习Linux终端命令行...

LeetCode 145 - Binary Tree Postorder Traversal

"For Algorithm Course"

LeetCode题解(四) - Binary Tree Postorder Traversal 题目难度:Hard 题目地址:No.145 Binary Tree Postorder Traversal 题目描述: Given a binary tree, return the postorder traversal of its nodes' values. Example: Inpu...

LeetCode 72 - Edit Distance

"For Algorithm Course"

LeetCode题解(三) - Edit Distance 题目难度:Hard 题目地址:No.72 Edit Distance 题目描述: Given two words word1 and word2, find the minimum number of operations required to convert word1 to word2. You have the follo...

LeetCode 37 - Sudoku-Solver

"For Algorithm Course"

LeetCode题解(二) - Sudoku Solver 题目难度:Hard 题目地址:No.37 Sudoku Solver 题目描述: Write a program to solve a Sudoku puzzle by filling the empty cells. A sudoku solution must satisfy all of the following rule...

Service Computing课程博客(一) - 配置个人私有云

"Learn to build your own cloud.."

Try to build up your own cloud on VirtualBox, though it takes a long time…. Win10环境下安装配置VirtualBox,搭建Ubuntu私有云 Win10环境下搭建Centos私有云(同队队员的博客,给有需要搭建Centos虚拟机的同学) Mac环境下搭建Ubuntu私有云 实验需求: 下载安装...

LeetCode 10 - Regular Expression Matching

"For Algorithm Course"

“Begin to write down solving reports for problems on LeetCode Algorithm problems-set….” LeetCode题解 - Regular Expression Matching 题目难度: Hard 题目地址: No.10 Regular Expression Matching 题目描述: Given...